With mostly rain last week, and pretty much nothing but rain in the forecast for the coming week, Black Jack and I are having to go with a better-get-out-and-find-a-way-to-enjoy-it attitude. I think I'm doing a little better at that than Black Jack, although she is definitely showing some signs of adapting. For a little dog that came from Florida (best information I was able to come up with from her rescue), and for a dog with sun-worshipping Chihuahua breeding in there somewhere, she's doing quite well.
Just to firmly establish my habit of never sticking to the original topic too closely, I'll start the post with my first North Shore Mountains snow shot of the season. I think I took it on Tuesday afternoon. As long the snow stays in the mountains, and not on my commute route, I find it beautiful.
This grey squirrel (Are they still grey squirrels even if they have some brown in them?) was in the tree beside my balcony on Saturday. With the balcony roof giving protection from the rain, I thought my camera did a fair job of capturing it. There are just a couple of spots where branches left blur marks on the image, but its beautiful tail, cute button nose, sharp eyes, and tiny, clinging toes came through just as I saw them
Black Jack had quite a day Saturday. She was already very interested in the squirrel, but shortly after that, Felix the cat, out on a walk with his human, decided to jump onto my balcony. I opened the door to say "Hi" and he walked right into my apartment. He went straight to the bedroom, with Black Jack close behind. She was beside herself with excitement, but amazingly well behaved, all things considered. Here, she is on the bed, looking down at Felix, who has decided to inspect under the bed. Sorry, Felix! I'm just a tad behind with housekeeping lately.
I ran around after Felix, trying to get pictures, but he made that quite a challenge. Finding a top kitchen cupboard open, he jumped effortlessly onto the counter, and from there, right into the cupboard. My zoom lens wasn't helping much, and there was no time to change it. Here, I managed to get a shot as he came into the living room. He always wears that bandage around his neck. I think there is some sort of permanent skin problem that he and his humans are trying to deal with. It sure isn't because of boredom. He is taken outside for several walks each day. Felix is clearly a much loved cat. He also has the temperament of an angel, putting up with Black Jack's antics, and never once showing a hint of annoyance.
This was the last shot I managed before he left. Come back any time, Felix!
I took this shot of Harvey from my balcony on Sunday. It was pouring! I really want to show you the one I took with Dale, his human, standing, dripping, as he held the umbrella over Harvey, but I haven't asked permission to post it, so that will have to wait. Harvey, I believe, is fifteen. He has lived in this building for many years. He walks very slowly now, but he is a happy, and insanely well looked after dog.
The rest of the pictures for this post were taken with my new camera rain cover. I am not at all happy with it. If anyone has suggestions for one that I can use (not with a tripod, but hand held), please let me know. I could barely see my subjects in the view finder, so shooting was virtually blind, but here's what I caught at Jericho. They are all of the same heron. I think it may be called a Tricoloured Heron. It wasn't shy at all. It would have been the perfect subject in better light and minus the rain.

These shots were taken on the little bridge at Jericho. A man and his little boy were feeding white bread to the birds. I wanted to say something, but held my tongue. Again, the camera cover was not my friend.
I like this one for the drop of rain on the seagull's beak.
The requisite crow shot.
These last two shots were taken at Maplewood Flats in North Vancouver. Bless Bill's heart for taking me there, late on Sunday afternoon, in a downpour! I hope to go back in slightly better weather. Both Ship Rock and IPutts have some amazing captures taken at that location.
Must go, but not before saying "Thank You" to Bill, and to you, for reading.
Wow! Great shot of the mountains! Makes me wish I was there to shoot them. So pretty!!!
ReplyDeleteDespite your frustration with the rain cover, I love the first picture of the heron - a truly beautiful bird - and so cooperative too!
ReplyDeleteFelix sounds like one very self confident fella - what a character!
You have snow in Vancouver and we, in Manitoba, are without snow! Chortle!!
The funny thing, Nev and Phyllis, is that the snow was gone yesterday. I looked up to the mountains, thinking all that heavy rain may have been snow at higher elevations, but I guess not. The skiers will be disappointed.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jean and Nev. As for Phyllis, the word "chortle" was just perfect, so thanks to you as well:)
fabulous! very cute animals!
bill seems like a nice guy
ReplyDeleteCan't take my eyes off those of the cat. :)