Officially, Spring arrived yesterday at 10:33 a.m. (in Vancouver). I've been feeling it in the air pretty much ever since Christmas and New Year celebrations ended. Unlike the seemingly endless snow and ice that we experienced last year, the weather this past winter was very, very gentle. There were only a few mornings with frost on the windshields of parked cars, and none where bike riding was impossible. Still, all the classic birth and renewal signs,like this lush garden on Beach Avenue, make me even happier when I know they are finally official.
On Wednesday, there were only a few moments to check out the action on the river by my school in North Vancouver. Brief moments, but so enjoyable. Two gentlemen (Ron and Al) introduced themselves, and pointed out some of the interesting sights. "It's good to be alive," one of them said, and I had to agree. I laughed to see the permanently surprised expression of this Hooded Merganser female, as she watched her mate dive.

"Woody Woodpecker ducks," says Bill. I have to agree. Only problem - that "hair standing on end" look is a female characteristic. Perhaps, she is Woody's sister. Do you see a family resemblance?

This isn't a very clear picture, but if you look closely, you can see that the male has his own way of showing surprise. Could that jaw drop any lower?

Out of focus pictures here, but if you look closely, you can see the fish's eye in the first one. I was surprised that the female could capture and consume such a large one. Maybe, she wanted to point out a thing or two to her mate.
*You can click on pictures to enlarge them, and then use the back button to go back to the normal post.
Across the river, I thought I detected a flash of movement, and the camera caught this Killdeer, otherwise all but invisible to my eyes.)

On Friday, I took Black Jack for a walk at Jericho Park before I left for school. The reflections in the pond had orangey-brown tones to them.

Just to the right of those autumn shades, and only seconds later, the light and colours were completely different.

We turned homeward, and saw this Flicker digging in the grass. It didn't seem to mind that its beak was a bit messy.

I think the Mallard females may be sitting on eggs. The males were wandering around in the grass on the other side of the path, possibly trying to act as decoys. I love the droplets on the tips of the grass in this photo.

It looks like this crow was gathering nesting material. As much as I love crows, I realize I have never really observed their nests. I checked out this site just now, and learned that they try to keep the location of their nests as secret as possible.

I took Black Jack home, and then left for work on my bike. A ten-minute stop in Stanley Park was tantalizing. The herons were very busy preparing their nests, another classic sign of Spring. I could have spent hours watching them.

This one looked for all the world like it was either yawning or laughing, but I think it may just have been reaching for a branch.

This nest is the first one I observed, a couple of years ago. I named the chicks in that nest Stanley and Sue, and they inspired my very first blog post. I don't know if the same parents are back, or if herons normally come back to their original nest. However, I've decided that, for as long as I'm able to continue watching the herons at Stanley Park (there is no guarantee that they will continue to return each year), the parents in that nest will, in my mind, be Stanley and Sue. On Friday, they were very quiet, but just before I left, they suddenly sat up very tall, and..
there was what appeared to me to be tender communication between them.

On Saturday, I woke up to beautiful weather. Black Jack and I walked along Point Grey Road to Vanier Park. Along the way, I stopped occasionally for more Spring photographs.

This heron was sitting by the beach at Vanier Park. I wonder if he was too young for breeding season, or whether he was out fishing to feed his mate.

Although dogs' greeting methods are year round, somehow, this scene had a Spring feel to it as well, I guess because so many dogs were enjoying the beach and the sunshine. I didn't learn the names of these dogs, but loved watching this very gentle Great Dane. I had to laugh, though. The small, blond dog knew there was a rear end somewhere, but couldn't quite find it.

We took the Aqua Bus across to the Aquatic Centre, and from there, walked toward Stanley Park. I was hoping to see how Stanley and Sue were doing, but also was happy to soak up the rich variety of flowers along the way.

Another Chestnut-backed Chickadee (at least, I feel fairly sure that is what it was) was sitting at the edge of someone's balcony.

When we arrived at the park, the skies had greyed considerably, but the herons were again working feverishly on their nests.

Suddenly, a long neck stretched upward, and there was some sort of exchange of information, which I imagined to perhaps be something like, "Well, I know it's not easy, but we've got lots of work to do on the house. You had better get out there and try again."

And, off he went. I am still in awe of the navigational expertise it must require to manipulate those huge wings and long, long, oh-so-skinny legs.

He returned shortly, more successful this time. I managed to get a picture of him in the air, but missed his landing.

All the while, I had been keeping an eye on Sue, who had waited for a very long time, with no visit from Stanley. I glanced quickly at her nest, and to my disappointment, it was suddenly empty. I don't know how she managed to get away without a sound, and without my seeing her departure. I did see this heron in the tree across the way, and wondered if it might be Sue, or even Stanley, as it was of course possible that Sue had been hiding out of sight in her nest. One thing for sure, that proud and graceful accordian-winged pose is one of my favourites.

Bill arrived and Black Jack was beside herself with joy. The walks and boat ride had been fun for her, but she wasn't particularly impressed with heron watching. My last photo of the day was of either Stanley or Sue, doing a kind of upward wing stretch as they worked on the nest. The brightness of the bill suggests it could be Stanley, so perhaps Sue is tucked down in the nest, out of sight. There won't be much time to check on them this week, because of the upcoming school band trip, but hopefully, next weekend will bring another opportunity to see how they are doing.

Saturday evening, Bill and I attended an absolutely breathtaking concert by the Pacific Baroque Orchestra called "Zimmerman's Coffee House." I cannot remember when I have heard more exciting harpsichord playing, or a more polished ensemble . I took this picture just before the concert started, and then put the camera away.
Today? A lovely walk, some good food, and the Paralympics Closing Ceremony on television, all enjoyed with Bill and Black Jack. So much more to say, especially about the athletes, but I'm out of time. Have a good week, everyone.