Can you feel it?

That evening, Bill and I went to the MacMillan Space Centre and really enjoyed the experience. We couldn't see the eclipse except on computer screens, as there was too much cloud cover, but I loved listening to the astronomers talk about their passion. And, I touched a piece of moon rock. Awesome:)
Saturday, December 25th. (A late Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!)
I prepared a meal for Bill! (Sorry, no photo.) Yams and coconut milk and quinoa formed the base of a recipe that morphed so much from the original intent, it is impossible to name. Not exactly turkey and stuffing, but given my lack of culinary skills, and blessed with the most encouraging of guests, it was really a happy meal.
Black Jack and I also went for a walk as far as English Bay, meeting many friendly people, some of whom wanted to ask about my lens (what is it about a large lens that attracts so much attention?) and others who wanted to play with Black Jack. A family visiting from Korea had so much fun with her, it was heartwarming to watch. Black Jack is good with children, but she didn't have to be tolerant with these toddlers. They pet her and touched her face softly and won her heart.
This Harlequin didn't come very close, and the weather was grey, but I was happy to record the moment.
We stopped by another of my favourite Christmas trees (shown at the end of the post) and I learned that Vancouver Park Board, the Friends for Life Society, people living with challenging illnesses, Joe Average artist, and Noma Lights have been responsible since 1995 for keeping the tree so beautifully lit. Every year, when the lights go on, I am filled with a sense of well-being - I know that sounds hokey, but there you go. I'm not sure why the little stuffed dog was on the plaque, but somehow, it seemed to fit.
At Beach and Denman, I looked west and noticed the pigeons lined up on this beautiful building.
As with our last walk, we chose Davie for the return home. I love this street. There is a little community garden at the corner of Burrard - there are not so many plants at this time of year, but lots of small birds were finding nourishment, and these green stones were beautiful.
Flower pots,
a cat,
and a frog waited for the return of their caretakers.
Sunday, December 26th, "my" cormorant said, "Hi!" and..
I discovered this beautiful head in Yaletown Park at the corner of Nelson and Mainland.
I took a photo of the plaque, and you can find more information at this site.
This train is parked at the corner. I had managed to walk by it, as well as "Eros Bendato Scrippalato" several times without seeing them. I find that shocking, but am happy to have discovered them now. I hope to find some information about the train later.
It looked rather neat, framed by a portion of RIng Gear - (see #5 of the link)
I took this tree through a window in a high-rise lobby, and enjoyed the connection to trees reflected in the background.
This CPR train 374 is in the window at the front of The Roundhouse. It has been decorated for Christmas but taking pictures through the window at night doesn't make for great photos. Still, it is rather fun. I hope to stop by one day and spend a little time getting to know the train better.
On Monday, December 27th, Black Jack and I walked up to JJBean and I took some photos of one of the friendliest barristas you could ever ask to meet as he prepared beautiful lattes. (A latte post coming one of these days.) Many of the trees on Davie are lit with these blue lights.
There are also some interesting lights around the street lamp poles.
We also took a minute to look through Ring Gear,
and passed yet again by Lookout. I wonder what exactly buckers and swampers did.
I had my small lens this time, so took a couple of pictures with more of a view of the surroundings.
I love the idea that going out to play saves energy.
The small lens also did a better job of completing the story of Terra Nova, although I still wonder about that shoulderless arm - sort of like the short tail - it bothers me:)
On Tuesday, the 28th, I had fun showing Bill some of my favourite haunts. After ten+ years in Vancouver, it still amazes me to see flowers in December. I couldn't decide if this shot,
or an even more cropped version worked better as a photograph.
Bill liked my beautiful head, but Black Jack thought he could be doing more interesting things like giving her treats.
I still haven't found out much about the train on the corner, but am fascinated by the red wheel.
We walked up Hamilton (I think) and while waiting for the light to change, the geometrical shapes of this building were fun to contemplate.
A pastel blue brush-stroked sky was a nice background for yet another shot of the roof.
I like Cooper's Park, and always think of Neville and Jen's Cooper. There is exciting news on that front, with Cooper expecting a little sister very soon. I have been terrible about keeping in touch, but think of them a lot, and if you are at all into children and the joys of raising them, Jen's blog is a must-read.
This is another of those pieces of art that I walked by several times without seeing, but now that I've taken some time to look at it, really enjoy. It's called TIme Top and is by Jerry Pethick, who died in 2003.
A plant reaching over a wall, concluded a very pleasant walk.
Yesterday, I spent a few more minutes with "Equestrian Monument" before heading to school to do some work.
On the way home, I met Max and Felix and so this post has finally come full circle, beginning and ending with Christmas tree lights. The ones at the beginning were a result of our meeting, and this one, of a second favourite tree (actually six trees joined by the lights) was taken on Beach Avenue after I left them and headed home. I used the same settings Felix had set up for me, but the flash kept coming on, not a good thing. Getting a decent shot of that tree could take a while.
That's it! That's all! I did it! I'm caught up! Thank you for reading!