Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gifts of colour!

Does this cat look at all familiar to any of you? I'm hoping one or two readers might remember a picture I took a little over a year ago.
A couple of days ago, I received an e-mail from Gill (Gillian) with this absolutely wonderful painting. She took my photo, and brought it to life. You may remember she did the same with a bird photograph that I posted a few weeks ago. Gill is very, very talented, and I am so thrilled to have met her.

The next three pictures were taken at Jericho Park. This duck looked unusual to me. I am guessing that it may be a Eurasian Wigeon.

In the Spring, male birds develop wonderful colours, and this Goldfinch (American, I think) was such a brilliant shade, it was impossible to miss.

This Goldfinch was sitting on a neighbouring branch. I'm not sure if there is a different pattern in its wings, or if the stripes just didn't show up in the first one.

The rest of the pictures were taken yesterday at Iona Island, and are in order of taking. I called this bird a Bald Eagle (juvenile) but am not entirely certain. It was sitting on a tree at the side of the road.

I loved this little bird, but am only taking a guess that it may be a Marsh Wren.

Goldfinch female? I loved the background colours in this first one.

Another Goldfinch, I think, but it looked very different from the ones I saw at Jericho.

There were lots of eagles flying and dancing, very high in the sky. Sometimes, I thought I saw gold in their colouring.

Bill and I had fun working on Black Jack's recall. I couldn't resist showing each stage in about a five second run. She sure was fully into the moment.

It was a big thrill to see these swallows. They seem to have a nest in this container. Here, the female.
And, one of my favourite shades, that I call "cobalt blue" in this male. It was my first time ever catching them in a photo. They are really quick!

Maybe, Northern Pintails?

I've never seen these frosty-pink flowers before.

Blue Herons really do get around!

It was quite cool and windy at Iona, but Bill kept Black Jack happily entertained. She loves that long grass, or whatever is hiding in it.

A couple of guy shots for Bill, but I like them too.

I finally figured out why the swallows kept landing on that container. I'm pretty sure they had a nest in that hole.

Still wondering if I saw any Golden Eagles.

I took this picture from the truck, as we were heading home. I didn't see the bird until Bill pointed it out. Thanks Bill, for your sharp eyes, and a wonderful day.
Last night we saw Breath of Life at Jericho Arts Centre. It was a complete coincidence to bump into Gillian and her husband there. She saw the original production and loved it. Have any other readers seen the production at Jericho? Superb acting, I thought. As for the play, it left me with some loosely formed thoughts that need a bit more time to pull together. Hope to come back to that.

Once more, my great thanks to Gillian for sharing her painting of the green-eyed beauty.


  1. Some phenomenal shots as usual Carol! The painting is amazing - what an honour to have inspired a beautiful painting! Happy Spring!

  2. The cat painting by Gillian is precious. What a talented artist and also how intuitive of you to take the compelling photo. I think cat fans would love the chance to get a print of this, if it were available. The goldfinches and cobalt blue birds are exquisite. The series of Black Jack running brings him to life visually … as if he is in a movie. Thanks for sharing your latest adventures, Carol. :)

  3. Great pictures and a very nice blog, CC.

    However, the little bird with the yellow eye-lash - both of them, the one in the spider's web and the one in the thorn bush - are sparrows. It is very clear to me now that you will be needing to spend quite a bit more time looking in the sparrow book.

    Cheers, Shiprock

  4. Thanks, Cristina. Happy Spring to you too!

    Thanks, Penelope. Yes, Gillian has been a well-kept secret, but I agree there are many who would love to have her work hanging on their walls.

    Oh.. my.. goodness, thank you, Ship Rock! (Agreed. More time. Much more time needed!)
