This post is inspired by Jean. I enjoyed her unabashed pleasure in the Christmas season. I have no great traumas or terrible memories of Christmases past, but rather shamefully admit I don't share her enthusiasm. I think it may have been a feeling of having to fake joy as a child, in order to please the adults around me who were doing their utmost to make it a special time. I suspect I was just a bit of a strange kid:) Anyhow, although a part of my heart sinks each year, as I see the decorations and lights going up, there is another part of me that loves the color and warmth, so with Jean in mind, I took these pictures last night of the huge tree display on Beach Avenue (I think there are six trees in total). The first time I saw it, several years ago, I was awe-struck. Last night, I got off my bike, and stood under it for some of these photos. This blog has inspired some strange behavior, but overall, I think it has given me an awakened sense of Vancouver's treasures.
Ohhh, I have to try that - taking pics of the lights from under the tree! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI do love the spirit of Christmas and my little traditions and the lights and music and gift of time with family and critters; However, I strongly dislike the commercialism and obscene materialism. Small and simple is so much nicer. I'd rather receive a gift of a small jar of homemade peach preserves than 99.9% of the items advertised on television as "the perfect gift".