This post lives up to the title of bikes, birds and beasts. There are a few of each, plus one lamp, just to add a touch of something absolutely unrelated. This first picture of a dog on a motorcycle was taken at the corner of Hemlock and 7th, as I waited outside with Black Jack, while Bill ordered a 10.2 wicked latte. The lattes at the Wicked Cafe cannot be matched for the enjoyment they consistently give me, but the one that day rated higher than the usual "10". But, back to the dog on the motorcycle. I was torn between worry for its safety and laughter for the cuteness factor. That dog was having a 10.2 day. I could feel it.
On one side of my apartment live Castor (nearest) and Pollo. I have misnamed them in previous posts, but this time, the spelling and names are 100% correct. Finally! I love them. Two of the sweetest dogs you could ever meet. In this picture, they are watching Kimberly, their human. Pollo means "chicken" in Spanish. He is a very happy, laid back dog who "listens" well to hand signals, since he is deaf. Castor worries a bit more, but also has a gentle, kind nature. A cat also lives with them, but doesn't go outdoors, and I haven't learned its name yet. Black Jack is comfortable with her canine neighbors. This morning, she almost invited Pollo to play with her, but then she wandered off to explore the morning smells. To the left of my apartment are new neighbors. I noticed them for the first time a couple of days ago. First, I saw this cat in the window. Then, I saw the dog. It's quite a jump to that window, but I'm guessing there is a step-up arrangement, at least for the dog. I don't know their names yet. They appear to live together cooperatively, although I get the feeling the cat views the dog with just a slight amount of disdain. It's not exactly rolling its eyes upwards, but.... Always in the back of my mind when we walk at Jericho, is the hope that one day, I will catch a red-winged blackbird in flight. I haven't managed it yet, but this fellow gave me quite a close-up opportunity. And the lamp. Bill put it up for me the other day. I've had it for many years, but haven't seen it up for a long time. It makes me happy. Thank you, Bill! Black Jack took a moment off from rabbit hunting at Jericho to respond to a call, but I think she's still licking her chops as she anticipates getting back to the chase. We're working on that recall, but it sure takes a lot of treats to keep her interested. This squirrel watched us intently, as we went for our morning walk yesterday. After that walk, Bill and I joined our friends, Jock and Kitty, for a trip to Burnaby to see an exhibition of electric vehicles. Do you think Jock enjoyed himself? Black Jack and I had a good time too. There were some cool pictures of Bill on a bike, but I wanted to show him with the fellow in the top hat. They had quite a conversation about that car. It was driven by Mrs. French, in Victoria, BC, from 1912 to sometime in the 1950's. You can read about it, and the exhibition, here. (The story about the car is at the bottom of the page.) Hearing that electric cars were popular such a long time ago brings me to a conversation I had the other night with Bill. We were both remembering when empty milk bottles were left outside the front door, and the milkman delivered the same number of new bottles to replace the empties. Bill remembers that the milkman's cart was pulled by a horse. I'm not sure if I remember a horse or whether it was a truck that came, but both of us remarked that recycling was common long before it became a modern phenomena. I remember my father shaking his head at the terrible waste, as we became a throw-away society. Here is Kitty with Jock. They tested out these electric bicycles, and liked them, I think, although they had a bit of a shock when Jock's started on its own and ran into Kitty's. When they took it back, I heard the fellow say, "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you about that." I'm not sure what the rest of his explanation entailed. This dog was also at the show. She is seventeen, and a mix of Siberian Husky and coyote. She was recovering from an accident, but appeared to be doing well, and was clearly very much loved by her human. He allowed me to give her some salmon and liver treats which she definitely enjoyed. Lovely dog. I hope she will soon be back to herself. Jock commented that he loves this kind of show, because there is so much creativity all about. There were electric farm vehicles, motorcycles, cars, spaceships (okay, just kidding, but very cool cars), skateboards, and this, my personal favorite, although I opted not to try it until my head is more or less back to normal. So simple. A start/stop button in the fellow's hand, and the rest, just as you see. The steering is done by shifting weight on the board. This beautiful area, and suspension bridge, were a two-minute walk away from the exhibition. Black Jack appreciated the greenery and paths through the woods. Here, she has spotted something. Who knows what, but Bill, ever patient, smiles and tries to hold her still for the camera. We all met back at Granville Island for a delicious meal. I loved watching the birds, and especially the seagulls' expressions. This mural was under the overpass, as we walked up to 7th and Hemlock (where I indulged in another latte!) from Granville Island. I love the colors and something about the energy. We passed through a beautiful little park on the way. I only had to coax Bill a little bit to try out this slide. (There wasn't a child in sight:) There they go! So many flowers, everywhere! My favorite flower shot of the day. We both napped after our fun day, and then watched a documentary about plastic found in the ocean. A fellow named Charles Moore is working hard to create awareness of the immensity of the problem. Then, we went for an evening walk at Jericho. Bill finally had to stop himself, as he picked up litter, much of it plastic, all around. Once you start to notice, it becomes sad indeed. It was still a great walk, but I made a mental note to take my cue from Bill and start picking up at least some of the litter I see on our walks. I took pictures of lots of bunnies, a beautiful sunset and magical light over the ponds, but I'll conclude the post with this one silhouette of a bald eagle. It was being chased by four crows. It seems to bring together some of the thoughts, emotions and small dramas of the past few days.
Carol, A lovely meandering post--I felt I was on your walk with you. But tell me(us)...What of the herons and their nests? Any developments on that front? Take care.
Hi EvenSong, Thanks:) The new foliage and my scalp complications have slowed down the heron updates, but I'll do a post soon. The quick version is that Stanley and Stella are tending chicks, but I can't see them yet. I'm not sure about Serena and Sam. Bill drove me to the heronry yesterday, and there was a lot of activity, judging by the chick sounds. I took some pictures, but have to look at old photos, to try and identify the branch, and figure out if I even have the right nest. It's amazing how the scene is completely changed with foliage. In a couple of months, the youngsters will be coming to the edge of the branches to exercise their wings, and I'll be able to see them better. Today, I'm back to work and riding my bike for the first time in a week. Wish me luck:)
ReplyDeleteA lovely meandering post--I felt I was on your walk with you.
But tell me(us)...What of the herons and their nests? Any developments on that front?
Take care.
Hi EvenSong,
ReplyDeleteThanks:) The new foliage and my scalp complications have slowed down the heron updates, but I'll do a post soon. The quick version is that Stanley and Stella are tending chicks, but I can't see them yet. I'm not sure about Serena and Sam. Bill drove me to the heronry yesterday, and there was a lot of activity, judging by the chick sounds. I took some pictures, but have to look at old photos, to try and identify the branch, and figure out if I even have the right nest. It's amazing how the scene is completely changed with foliage. In a couple of months, the youngsters will be coming to the edge of the branches to exercise their wings, and I'll be able to see them better. Today, I'm back to work and riding my bike for the first time in a week. Wish me luck:)