Westham Island Herb Farm
As mentioned in my last post, a trip on Sunday to Reifel Bird Sanctuary led us (Bill, Kitty&Jock, Lucy, Black Jack, and me) by Westham Island Herb Farm, as we were heading home. My friend Kitty loves vegetables like no one else I know, and to pass by such an inviting place would have come close to breaking her heart. In fact, we did pass by it, but something made me ask Bill to turn back the truck, and ever obliging, that is exactly what he did. Here is Bill, posing with Black Jack in front of a wagon that rests invitingly on the front of the property.
I thought of Neville (a friend and very talented photographer and artist. Check out his site.) and his love of all things connected to the Hallowe'en season. I think he would have enjoyed this fellow, standing guard on the back of the wagon.
A close-up of his face. What I loved about Westham was the care and attention given to every decorative detail.
Along with pumpkins, and every variety of squash imaginable, were fields of flowers.

There were also donkeys.
I don't think Black Jack had ever seen a donkey before. She placed herself in a bulldog stance that gave her a completely new persona.
Lucy was much more inclined to take things in her stride. She sniffed and investigated, and although generally anxious in strange places, seemed quite at home at Westham.
There were lots of visitors on such a beautiful day, many of them with pets. This is Tess, a young Great Dane pup. I think she is only about six months old. Here, Black Jack seems aware even her bulldog stance will fall flat.
Lucy and Tess investigated each other so gently. This is one of my favorite photos of the day.
Tess, you are one beautiful, sweet dog. It sure was fun meeting you!
Jock and the donkey enjoying an investigative moment.
Here, the donkey was staring at Black Jack, who had gained elevation in Bill's arms. Another favorite shot.
Checking to see if any of us had treats. We didn't, as a sign on the pen warned against feeding.
Kitty was a happy, happy camper. I love this picture of her. There are others with her hair beautifully arranged, but this one is my favorite.
Yum! And, so beautiful to look at!
As I said, Kitty was happy! Here, she points out a goose neck squash. (I think that is what it's called.)
As I tried to capture some other produce photos, this foot kept appearing in front of my lens.
I followed the foot upwards, to discover this fellow on the ceiling. Actually, I guess the hat and braids might indicate a lady rather than a fellow. Not what I'd call a beauty, but full of color and life. There were so many things to see at Westham, one had to be careful to look in all directions.
Now that's a face you have to love!
What a perfectly wonderful day we had! I've barely touched the surface of all there was to see at Westham. Both the farm and the bird sanctuary would make great destinations for anyone looking for a fun plan for the Thanksgiving weekend.
As usual, beautiful photos. I enjoyed the farm tour and I suggest you post this for the forthcoming, Farmer's Market Challenge due on November. The goose squash looks very unique! But your last photo really scared me.
Thanks, Al. Sorry to scare you:)