Saturday, June 7, 2014

Critters and Crossword #9 and some cyclists too

The critters we saw yesterday were of the ordinary variety, but their stories are never ordinary.  I'm sharing them this morning with Camera Critters (thank you, Misty) and Saturday's Critters (thank you, Eileen).

Tupper (our seagull friend named for her upward-pointing tail) made an appearance after a three-day absence.  
Where were you Tupper?
I wish you spoke a few more words of "seagull" so I could tell you. 
 What's with that dog of yours?
 Is she serious?  I can't look.
 I've worked up quite an appetite.
 Gotta' little somethin' for me?
 I sat down on a ledge in front of..
 this dogwood tree.  Black Jack sat on the ledge beside me.
 Tupper flew in..
 to make a very nice landing..
right beside us.
As I was saying, I'm feeling quite hungry. 
 Thanks a lot!  See ya' later.
In the afternoon, Bill and I biked up a very steep hill to The Pet Shop Boys.  This is David.  He does a stress-free job of trimming Black Jack's nails and he always has..
a great big smile for us.  He has just come through the door after trimming Black Jack's nails and told us she is a very easy client.  You can see her hind legs dangling, completely relaxed in his arms.  She eyes me, though, for her required treat.
We left, happy as always, for such wonderful service.  Would you believe the $10 they charge for each nail-trim is donated to dog rescue?  I had a most enjoyable conversation with Elizabeth at the counter, though I do wish I had taken her picture.  You can see her (and the other 11 staff members) at this link.  She told me that she had just called the SPCA to let them know they had $650 waiting for them.  How great is that?
Oh look! 
 For me?
The perfect blend of humour and responsibility make The Pet Shop Boys a place I look forward to visiting .  My camera didn't do a very good job of showing this poodle trim in the bushes outside, but I asked Bill and Black Jack to pose in front of it. 
 This one is for Raven :)
The next two photos totally did not work.  I was taking them from outside and through two layers of glass in an attempt to capture a few of the dogs waiting near the end of the afternoon for their humans to arrive.  What you can't see is the staff member sitting on the floor interacting with the dogs. These dogs had played and snoozed and played some more.  while others had been out on great hikes.  I've heard some horror stories lately about doggy day care, but if Black Jack were needing that service, our first choice would be here.
 I've had a great day but something tells me it's supper time.
 After the nail trim we were off to Cittadella for lattés and treats and Crossword #9 completed.  I was leaning back against the wall in my chair and didn't manage a great photo, but the moment had to be recorded.  
 Then we biked home along False Creek, stopping to admire this critter (thirsty, perhaps?).. 
 (with very orange feet!) along the way.
 No flying shots, but this Red Wing, with a mouthful of bullrush (?) added colour to the day.
 Lots of flowers..
 and bees..
 and greenery showed us that life was buzzing along just as it should.
 A parent starling (on the left) enjoyed a quiet moment with his/her youngster.
No question at all how these birds earned their names.
 I have learned that there is a logical order to nature's handiwork but wonder about wasps. Are they as necessary to the order of things as are bees?
 We were just about to round a corner that takes us to the last small leg of our journey home when Bill stopped.  He offered to hold my bike (and Black Jack) steady, because he had..
just spotted this family.  I was happy to see them munching away in a big grassy field to the side of the bikeway.
 However, they suddenly began edging towards the pavement.  They weren't in the slightest bit concerned about me (or my shadow)..
but were emerging from behind a garbage to surprise cyclists and walkers.  You really had to be there.  Bill and I were calling out warnings to the cyclists to slow down, feeling like traffic cops but..
genuinely worried for the geese.
 Now where did the others go?
 Wait for us!!
 Phew!  Quite the job getting everyone lined up just right.
 Think I'll just have a little rest here.  Whoops..  uh..
..guess they're on a mission 
 Suddenly, I realized there was one more family to go.
Hup.. two.. three.. 
 Heigh ho, heigh ho..
 It's off to the water we go.
 Just gotta' get around that corner.
We got back on our bikes at this point, fairly sure that our services hadn't been needed, and reasonably hopeful that the geese made it around the corner and to the waterside safely.  Why they hadn't taken a more direct route, I will never know.  They have a plan that remains a mystery to me, but they do seem to understand the order of things as their world goes.
We saw lots more cyclists during our walk later that evening with Black Jack.  The boom box greeted us long before we spotted them, but overall, the mood was a happy one. Though Bill and I have mixed thoughts about the Critical Mass Bike Ride every Friday night, we did think False Creek is about the best place for it to happen.  At least one bystander agreed with us.
 At least the Dogwood trees have..
a critter in their name :)
 Just a couple of shots to bring the evening's pleasures..
 up close and personal..
before catching a few of the cyclists on their return route..
 and one lone cat watching Black Jack's conniption fits in Bill's arms.
Really, dog, is that necessary? 
There may not be cyclists or dogwood trees, but there are lots of other critter "tails" at the Saturday's Critters and Camera Critters blog memes. Thanks so much to Eileen and to Misty for providing a great place to share our critter fun.  And, thanks to you for stopping by.  Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!


  1. busy bicycling place! the geese need a goose crossing sign. :)

  2. Lovley birds on the walk ,i love it ,with a smile on my lips i see you have it nice over there ,Nette

  3. what an adventure you had and the geese and their babies are so cute. Of coursse Black Jack steals the show.. .Have a marvelous weekend.

  4. I enjoyed your outing and I always love to see Black Jack.. She is such a sweet dog.. The goslings are adorable and I love the Dogwood blooms.. Beautiful collection of images. Thanks for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  5. Wonderful, fun post! So much to enjoy about it. Loved all the critters, birds, flowers and people too. Especially adorable seeing the goose with her goslings marching along!

  6. Fabulous post! Loved your biking adventures.

  7. It's always a treat to visit your blog and view all the wonderful photos, and get a glimpse of you fun days.

  8. Love the kitty kat image, lots of great images!

  9. what lovely images you capture of your outings. love the one of Bill 'hiking' at the hydrants... made me smile. glad Black Jack was able to get her toenails clipped. my daughter and i went to the lake recently and seen 13 baby ducks and their mama. what a sight they were eating on the cheerios someone had left out for them. hope all is well. have a great day~
