I am also linking up to ABC Wednesday, with many thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt for starting this meme seven and a half years ago, and to Roger, Reader Wil, Gattina and Trubes, just a few of the Brilliant volunteers who visit and take time to comment on our posts.
I don't have Breathtakingly impressive "B" words this week. I stopped by the "Unusual Words that begin with "B" site But wasn't particularly motivated to share any of them. That is, except for a couple of new-to-me videos showing instruments I didn't know existed. In fact, I probably should warn you that there is a Barrage of videos in this post and scrolling through to pick out some Background music might be in order. The Robbie Burns or the slow movement of the Beethoven or the flute/piano performance of a Reinecke Sonata would be more mellow, the Banjo ones are a bit Bizarre, and "So Blue" with Quebec dancers, Louise Lecavalier and Frédéric Tavernini will definitely inspire some awe at the sheer physical strength, endurance and speed. That video is at the end of the post, with just two photos below it. Some will find the music too intense but the more I listened to it, the more I realized how well it works with the dance narrative.
This is a Banjolele, a combination of a banjo and a ukelele. (rhymes with ukelele).
and it was especially rich, contrasted against green in the lighting Behind clarinetist, AK Coope, as she took her Bows with the other members of ensemble, Standing Wave, at The Orpheum a week ago Thursday.
Benefit from Nature's Bounty. We spent a few minutes by his sculpture as well.
We loved the skies and water scenes as we rode our Bikes home that day.
Have you Begun to get the idea that I have two especially Beautiful B's in my life?
On Sunday, Bill wrapped Black Jack up in her towel as he often does. She loves to cocoon.
For one piece, Bogdan had to reach inside the piano to pluck strings with his left hand, while playing the keys with his right hand. Performing requires many different sorts of Brain activity and I would include Bravery in that mix. You might also notice that Aiden, the page turner, looked very Businesslike. Turning pages is more Burdensome than many realize.
Being Bright, on one's toes, musically trained and calm are Basic requirements of the job.
Bill took a little Break Before the pre-concert talk and I caught this Blurry but Bewitching shot of him as he came into the auditorium.We Both learned a lot from the talk. Elizabeth Bergmann and her husband, Marcel, shared a recording that impressed on me just how different stylistic customs were in the early 1900's. Rolled chords and romantic exaggerations would be considered laughable today, but were the norm during certain periods of our musical history. Paul (the flutist, and second from the right) talked about the moments in the music when he can allow himself to be carried into what I would describe as a dream state. He moved to Canada at age 14 from Taiwan, alone, and eager to develop his musical talent. At that time, he did not know the English word for "music stand" and so, when the conductor used that term, Paul thought it meant to stand up, so that is what he did. He has come a long way! The link above shows him telling that story after he was one of the winner's in UBC's concerto competition.
After the concert, Bill and I took a Bit of time to Breathe in the fresh air outside Langley Community Music School as the sun slipped away for the night.
When Bill asked for the camera, I was reluctant But happy as well to record what for me..
was a very special day. He Brandished the camera about, insisting that the evening light on my hair Brought a certain sheen to it. I was just happy that it didn't look too Bad and, as you may have guessed, anything that makes Bill happy makes me happy too :)
Bill took this next picture on Monday morning. He insisted my foot looked like a Ballerina's.
That was particularly amusing to me as I am quite clumsy, and had Bumbled past the corner of the couch just the day before, rendering two toes Black and Blue. I thought one of them might be Broken as it was quite painful, but happily, it is already Bearing my weight comfortably again. I hereBy promise to strictly limit pictures of my feet in the future :)
A "B" post without reference to Birds would be simply inexcusable, and this Barrow's Goldeneye in our favourite Coal Harbour pond, with..
I was watching what I think is the resident hummingBird that day, and not doing very well with my attempts to photograph it, when I heard..
Bill calling from the other side of the pond.
Blossoms are another of my favourite "B" themes and I've been noticing these by the pond for a few weeks now. It seems that little pond is in a warm climate Belt all its own.
to come by, perhaps the Bravura of the male in attempting to impress his mate will suffice.
Our Bicycle rides, supplemented with walks around Stanley Park have been a lot of fun lately. Here are Bill and Black Jack once more. Can you feel the Bounce in their step?
A few Branches,
Bending and twisting every which way,
and one final Bird photo of this King Fisher (the first we had seen in ages) conclude that..
walk, and after falling Behind again in Both posting and in Blog visiting, it seems time to mention The Buzz, the wonderful café at Harrison Galleries that we visit almost daily. Jennifer's humorous idea for the sign in front of the door, that she unashamedly told me she had "Borrowed" from one seen at another shop, made me laugh. (And the "Bear" reference is perfect, don't you think?)
As for the dance performance we saw on Wednesday evening, I could go on and on. It is one of a handful of cultural events that I Believe will stay in my mind forever. "Sixty minutes of non-stop, full-out movement set to a pulsating electronic score by Mercan Dede, the piece is a testament to Lecavalier's unique and undiminished gifts: her fearless sense of risk; her disciplined technique; her ferocious energy; and, above all, her commanding rapport with the audience." There is only one "B in the above quote taken from a fascinating Blog article titled Performance, Place and Politics, and that, not even at the Beginning of a word. However, it portrays much of my response after watching Louise Lecavilier and Frédéric Tavernini dance.
You can watch a medley of the steps in the video below. Honestly, it is Blazing with passion. Well worth a look if you can find the time.
including this one that portrays their exhaustion as they take their final Bows. Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you have found something to take with you if you made it to the end of this Behemothic post! Happy Friday, everyone!
branches, blues, birds are great. bruised toes...not so much!
ReplyDeleteGreat skies and reflections. A very apt photo of Robbie Burns as it is Burns night this weekend.
ReplyDeleteHello Carol, I enjoyed this "B" post... lovely photos, I love all the birds and the ducks.. And of course Bill and Black Jack's photos is the best.. Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful music -- especially Beethoven slow movement. The photo of Bill and Black Jack should be enlarged and framed. It is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWhat a splendid melange of music, dance, nature and the letter "B"! I listened to Barenboim as I read! Heaven! Hugs, Phyllis
ReplyDeleteA BAPTISM of the arts indeed Carol,
ReplyDeleteBeautiful music, Breath taking dance....Birds, Banjos and Bill and Blackjack all cleverly BONDED together in one BIG tale of your interesting daily doings, one of your BEST to date.
Thank you for sharing this with us,
BEST wishes,
ABCW team.
You two have so many interests, I'm loving all these B's. You took a very nice picture--so sorry about the toes. Have a super week.
Wouldn't necessarily say your musical musings are the BEST part of your posts, BUT it IS my favorite.
ReplyDeleteROG, ABCW