Eckhart Tolle talks about quieting the inner voice, and sometimes, I think I've come a fair distance with that, but it's not letting me go to sleep yet, so I'll try to put some thoughts down here. These pictures are from the book, Jane Goodall: 40 Years at Gombe. I bought it tonight after her talk.
First, thank you, Dr. Jane Goodall. One of your books says of you: "The woman who redefined man." That was huge. But it's your honesty, your caring, and your willingness to walk the talk that leave me grateful.
Second, thank you Cate, who stood beside me in the line-up. You let me vent about the lady who sat behind us, with her camera beeping through most of the talk. Your lively warmth made the line-up fun.
Third, I was so angry at that camera lady that my heart pounded and my legs shook. I thought horrible thoughts. I see that I haven't come so very far at all.
And.. Thank you, Bill. My guess is that the audience was about 80% women. You quite often have to explain to me, "It's a guy thing," but you recognize and support my passions, and I know I'm blessed.
Finally, the ride home in the rain was good. It calmed me enough to acknowledge the voice and laugh at it a little.
Oh.. and I almost forgot. Happy Halloween, everyone! Check out IAMNEVILLE (in my blog list). He's a super talented photographer and he loves this season.
Oh.. and I almost forgot. Happy Halloween, everyone! Check out IAMNEVILLE (in my blog list). He's a super talented photographer and he loves this season.