I have to finally face up to the fact that Black Jack is a tad spoiled. It's fortunate that I didn't get her as a puppy. I think that fact saves her from being obnoxious. Here is a rundown of the seven beds she considers hers. First, the one I bought the day before I drove to Seattle to pick her up at the foster lady's house. It is by far her most expensive bed, but well used. It mainly stays under the kitchen table. When playing, she takes a running leap into it, so that it slides right back to the wall. Here she is in the car, coming back with me to Vancouver. She really loves this bed, and did from day one.
Bed number 2 is an old quilt that stays on the end of our bed. Bill generally is the one to place her carefully on it each night. He uses a section to cover her up, and she rarely moves until the morning. Bed number 3 is Bill. When she wakes up (usually around 5:00 a.m. when my alarm goes off) she moves from the quilt to lie or sit on his chest. He sleepily gives her a little massage. I find it both amazing and adorable that he is so patient with her. Black Jack, however, clearly considers this her due.
I can't remember when we bought bed number 4, but this little brown bed has become the one that stays in the computer room. It is sometimes used as a place for her to chew her bully stick, and also goes on Bill's knee so that she can supervise his computer activities. Although she appears comfortable and secure in it most of the time, she occasionally seems to be falling over the edges.
Bed number 5 was very inexpensive and she seems to recognize that, as it the only one of her beds that she tosses around in play. In the warmer weather, when the kitchen door is open, she sometimes uses it for lying in the sun. At other times, I have seen her carry it down the steps into the back yard for a play session. She often likes to chew her bully stick in it. It's a most versatile bed.
Bed number 6 is a small mat that stays on top of the chair by the front window in the living room. It is is used a great deal. She spends hours watching the dog equivalent of television. Squirrels and Cats are her two favorite shows, but she also likes to watch for the mailperson and for Bill's truck.
Bed number 7 is me, and is generally used in the evenings when I nap on the couch. It requires my soft, white housecoat as an accessory. Sometimes, she rests in the crook of my knee, as in the next two pictures.
At other times, she prefers to brace herself between the back of the couch and my shoulder.Bill reminded me that she has one more bed, and that is the seat of his truck. I had forgotten that one, and so do not have a picture to include in this blog. It is only used when Bill is out of the truck to run short messages. Otherwise, she resorts to either bed number 3 or number 7 for travel.