Monday, December 22, 2008

Introducing Sam

This was my horse, Sam - a photo of a photo, taken some time in the early 80's.  And that, believe it or not, is yours truly on him.  I was a very inexperienced rider, as can be seen by the slack in the reins.  I never had to urge him to jump.  He seemed to love it.  Mostly, I just tried my best not to be a hindrance.  Still, if I had it to do over again, I don't think I would have jumped him at all, but at the time, I really had no clue about a lot of things.  Jean quoted Maya Angelou in one of her posts: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”   Comforting thought.  More about Sam another day.
And this is Bill's fine work in the back yard.  He has kept a path cleared for Black Jack, ever since the snow began. She has a great time, running around the perimeter.  He's also taken her for a walk every afternoon, and she has learned to love the snow.  I would never have predicted that in a million years.  Thanks, Bill!
The snow scenery is beautiful, but I would give a lot for rain right now.  My bike waits in that little building on the right.  I wonder if it's lonely.


  1. Sam is so typically thoroughbredish that it's funny. I always have to explain to people that Raven is NOT a quarter horse, but I bet you never had that problem.

  2. dp, I barely understood what a thoroughbred was when I bought Sam. I just wanted the stable owner to stop using him for lessons because he had a terrible saddle sore that couldn't heal. Later, I learned about his nature, and you're right, I never had to explain him to horse people.

    Berenice, I took my first riding lesson at age 28, and fell so completely in love with horses, I quit teaching, moved from Montreal to a Laurentian town an hour north, and worked in stables for a year. A teaching job came along in that town at the end of the year, so I taught there for 10 years.
